
Thechameleoneffectreferstosubconsciousmimicryofthemannerisms,facialexpressions,postures,andbehaviorsofanotherperson.,由TLChartrand著作·1999·被引用6600次—Thechameleoneffectreferstononconsciousmimicryofthepostures,mannerisms,facialexpressions,andotherbehaviorsofone'sinteractionpartners, ...,2023年12月21日—Thechameleoneffectdescribesmostpeople'stendencytomimicormirroranotherperson'sfacialexpressi...

Chameleon Effect in Psychology

The chameleon effect refers to subconscious mimicry of the mannerisms, facial expressions, postures, and behaviors of another person.

The chameleon effect: the perception

由 TL Chartrand 著作 · 1999 · 被引用 6600 次 — The chameleon effect refers to nonconscious mimicry of the postures, mannerisms, facial expressions, and other behaviors of one's interaction partners, ...

The Chameleon Effect

2023年12月21日 — The chameleon effect describes most people's tendency to mimic or mirror another person's facial expressions, nonverbal behaviors, and verbal ...

What Is The Chameleon Effect And Is It Real?

2024年2月7日 — The chameleon effect refers to unintentionally mimicking another's behavior during a social exchange. Typically, that interaction occurs ...

What Is the Chameleon Effect?

2023年8月29日 — The chameleon effect is a phenomenon that finds us mimicking the mannerisms, gestures, or facial expressions of the people we interact with ...


2022年1月10日 — 據說,如果結了婚,和喜歡的人長時間相處,就會互相模仿對方的表情;因此兩個人在重複使用相同臉部肌肉的過程中,臉部肌肉和皺紋形態會越來越像,如此一來 ...


你有沒有發現,自己和朋友相處久了,彼此講話方式、肢體動作都越來越相像呢?這個相互影響、無意識模仿的行為,稱為「變色龍效應」(The Chameleon Effect), 放大到更 ...

變色龍效應:學人低頭看手機The Chameleon Effect

變色龍效應於人們在不自覺的情況下互相模仿時發生。舉例而言,如果你在和一群人說話時微笑,他們通常也會微笑。變色龍效應通常是正面的。它幫助人融入群體,就像一隻變色龍 ...